Boating is a wonderful way to experience the great outdoors. However, it’s important to make sure you are safe when you are out in your boat. If an accident occurs that was not your fault, contact the Annapolis boating accident lawyers to file a claim.
Many boating accidents are caused because of sheer carelessness. Keep in mind some of the following safety precautions when you are out boating. These precautions just may decrease your chances of being in an accident:
- Be aware of the weather. Always know the weather forecast before you head out in the water. You don’t want to be surprised and be caught unprepared in a storm.
- Keep the boat maintained. Before you leave the dock, give your boat a quick once-over to make sure everything is working properly. This also means checking to make sure you have the proper flotation devices, emergency kits and life rafts on board in case of an emergency.
- Pay attention. Especially when entering or leaving a dock or narrow passageway, you should pay special attention. If there are passengers aboard, have someone keep lookout at the stern of the boat.
- Don’t drink! Because it’s a boat and not an automobile, people sometimes foolishly think it’s okay to drink and operate the boat. It’s not. A good number of boating accidents are caused because alcohol was involved.
The dedicated and knowledgeable Mr. Howie at Howie Law Firm LLC can help you decide if you should file a personal injury claim for your boating accident. Contact their office in Annapolis, MD today for a free consultation for personal injury cases.