Many people believe that defensive driving means timid driving. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It means being smart and prepared for what may happen on the road. If everyone kept in mind a few defensive driving tips each time they got behind the wheel, there would be far fewer car accidents.
Here are a few defensive driving tips to help you stay safe on the road:
- Maintain your automobile. Discovering that something is wrong with your car while you are driving may be too late.
- Check the weather. Check the local forecast before you leave the house so you can allot yourself more time in the case of bad weather.
- Focus. Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents. People eating, drinking, smoking, putting on make-up, changing the radio and especially texting and using their phones are all potential causes for accidents.
- Follow the law. Speed limits, stop signs, traffic lights and all road laws are in place to keep drivers safe. Following the laws can greatly reduce your chances of an accident.
- Don’t follow too closely. Tailgating can be very dangerous. When the driver in front of you stops short and you haven’t given yourself enough space to stop or swerve, you are likely to cause an accident. Don’t rely on other drivers to do the right thing.
If you are in a wreck and injured because of the negligence of another driver, an auto accident attorney in Annapolis may be able to help. Contact a Washington, DC car accident lawyer today at the law offices of Howie Law Firm LLC for a free consultation for personal injury cases.